Back Pain chakra: Treat your spine ailments, back pain with Pranic Healing

Back pain is something that impacts nearly 8 out of 10 people, at some point in their life. While it’s quite common, as one ages, one may be at a greater risk of being affected by it. The level of pain can range from a dull ache to very high intensity, sometimes making routine tasks […]

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Chakra balancing: Powerful and useful techniques under Master's guidance

In today's world, the word chakra or energy centers is not an uncommon concept. We hear it often during our yoga classes from our Yoga teacher or when studying some esoteric literature. Chakra balancing is just as important as any other aspect of wellness.  In chakra balancing, energy is directed to the chakras in an […]

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Pranic healing: No-Touch No-Drug therapy to heal ourselves through chakras

About 65 percent of the world's population uses healing modalities developed outside the scope of conventional allopathic medicine. These non-conventional healing modalities are called complementary, alternative, and integrative therapies in the USA Pranic Healing is a highly developed and tested system of natural healing techniques that uses prana or life energy to treat physical and […]

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Crown chakra crystals: All about crystal healing and its enormous benefits

Crystals are beautiful, naturally occurring stones mined from the earth. They are known to possess great powers and have been used in all cultures across the world since ancient times. The use of crystals for spiritual growth and physical wellbeing is also not something new. Crystals heal by aligning the chakras, which in turn impact […]

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Sacral chakra: Potent energy - improve your sexual, creative, emotional side

Sacral Chakra is one of the 11 major chakras humans possess, located in the pubic area and characterized by red and orange hues. The sacral chakra is responsible for human sexuality, creativity, and emotions, and is considered as one of the most powerful energy when in balance and well-functioning. In its open and active state, […]

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Heal the Ears with Chakra Healing

Ears are an important part of how we experience the world around us. Ear problems range from minor aches to serious issues like permanent ringing in the ear, partial or complete deafness, severe vertigo all of which can greatly impact the quality of life. In some cases, they can even lead to mental health issues. […]

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