About 65 percent of the world's population uses healing modalities developed outside the scope of conventional allopathic medicine. These non-conventional healing modalities are called complementary, alternative, and integrative therapies in the USA
Pranic Healing is a highly developed and tested system of natural healing techniques that uses prana or life energy to treat physical and emotional issues.
This healing modality helps restore and maintain the patient's overall well-being by correcting imbalances in the body's energy field and replenishing it with life force.
We all know that every physical body has the ability to self-heal. Pranic Healing is based on this principle and healers utilize “life force,” “energy,” or prana to accelerate the body’s inborn ability to heal itself. This energy is not derived from the healer. This life force used for healing can also be termed as universal energy, and using the knowledge and techniques of Pranic Healing healers tap and transmit this energy to the patients.
Pranic Healing is a combination of ancient, esoteric healing modalities that have been rediscovered, researched, and tested over the years with proven success by the founder of Modern Pranic Healing, Grand Master Choa Kok Sui.
These healers work on the energy body and the energy centers or chakras. They make use of their hands to heal patients however from a distance. The healing process includes the following steps.
Scanning: The healer's scan to check for any abnormalities in the energy body or the chakras
Cleansing: This process is used to cleanse any abnormalities found during the scanning, and also to eradicate any blockages in the energy channels.
Energising: Once cleansed the area needs to be replenished with fresh prana or life force.
"A time will come when science will make tremendous advances, not because of better instruments for discovering things, but because a few people will have at their command great spiritual powers, which at the present are seldom used. Within a few centuries, the art of spiritual healing will be increasingly developed and universally used."
Astronomer, Man, Mind, and the Universe.
Gustaf Stromberg, Mt. Wilson
There are 11 major chakras that Pranic healers focus on
Chakra | Sanskrit Name | Location | Functions |
Crown chakra | Sahasrara | At the top of the head | This chakra is the center of intuition |
Forehead | Lalaata | At the center of the forehead | This chakra is the center of wisdom |
Ajna | Ajna | Between the eyebrows | This chakra is also known as the will center |
Throat chakra | Vishuddhi | At the center of the throat | This chakra represents creative expression |
Heart chakra | Anahata | At the center of the chest | This chakra represents higher emotions such as love and kindness |
Solar Plexus | Manipura | The hollow area between the ribs | This chakra represents lower emotions such as anger and hate |
Spleen chakra | Prana | At the center of the left bottom rib | This chakra represents the physical and psychological energy levels |
Navel chakra | ------ | Located at the navel | This chakra helps in the circulation of Prana |
Meng Mein | ------ | At the back of the navel | This chakra controls the pressure of blood |
Sex chakra | Swadhishtana | At the pubic area | This chakra is the center of sexual instinct |
Basic or Root chakra | Mooladhara | At the base of the spine | This chakra is center of self-survival |
For more detailed information on chakras and their spiritual, physical and psychological functions click here
While the benefits are more substantial, one can still say that there are no disadvantages or side effects associated with this healing modality.
Some very common benefits of Pranic Healing
Pranic healing works well with patients who are willing to accept healings and trust the process. Although the healer can do his part, if the patient is not receptive enough, or follow the lifestyle changes recommended, and when the patient is skeptical there are chances that the patient is not healed even after several sessions.
This sometimes may reflect as a shortcoming and people might assume that healing doesn't work. This can in turn become a topic of discussion for many and hence can be misconstrued as a shortcoming.
Anxiety can be caused by mental or physical conditions, drugs, stressful events, or a combination of these. Your brain uses this mechanism to respond to stress and warn you of possible danger.
Yes, Pranic healing can be very effective in treating anxiety. Pranic healing works on both physical as well as on emotional conditions. The Solar Plexus chakra is affected when a person suffers from anxiety or depression, which requires thorough cleansing along with the Mooladhara chakra and the Navel chakra.
The Solar plexus chakra represents lower emotions. Fear, worry, nervousness that stems out of anxiety get accumulated in this chakra and interrupt the natural flow of energy. In order to maintain wellbeing, chakras spin clockwise and anticlockwise and draw in life energy. With the accumulation of diseased energy, a chakra can no longer function at its optimum level resulting in several physical and psychological issues.
When a chakra is left untreated for a long time it can have a ripple effect and can affect the functioning of other chakras as well. This can then lead to multiple disorders and can take a while to come back to normalcy. People who take longer to recover from the healings may be carrying the issues for far too long without addressing them and some patients are healed in just about 2-3 sessions.
This healing technique can be applied to self as well as others, the teaching once learned can be with us life long and can become better with practice and time.
Pranic healers sweep diseased energy from the aura and the chakras until the flow of prana is regulated and the chakra is balanced, the chakra is then energized by replenishing it with fresh prana and stabilized. The ability to heal others can be acquired by anyone once they learn how.
Basic Pranic healing can be learned across a 2 days course, the course includes information and instructions on how one can scan the aura and chakras, cleanse them, and replenish them with life energy. One can learn and start healing themselves and others immediately after completing their 2 days course, however, one can also learn their advance level courses too to enhance their skills and become a more proficient healer.
A lot of doctors globally practice pranic healing. A pranic healer will not ask you to replace your medicines with healing sessions, the doctor will automatically lower the number of medicines once after seeing improvement and can eventually stop them completely. This healing modality is so effective that it compliments the conventional medicine system.
The practice of meditation trains the mind to focus on a particular idea, object, or activity – to train attentiveness and awareness, to achieve an emotionally calm and steady state of mind.
Twin heart meditation is a powerful and effective meditation developed and introduced by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui for the greater good of humanity to heal the world with peace and illumination. This meditation helps to eliminate negativity and stress, sharpens the mind, and increases good luck and positive karma.
When all of us have only one heart, it may seem odd that the name of this meditation is Twin Heart. As per GMCKS, the two hearts are the heart chakra, located at the center of the chest, and the crown chakra, located at the top of the head. Our heart chakra represents love for our loved ones such as parents, spouse, children, family, friends, and relatives, while the crown chakra represents love for all or universal love, including those who we do not know.
This meditation is practiced by a large number of people across the globe. The simplicity and effectiveness of this meditation have been one of the primary reasons to attract people in such large numbers. Meditation on Twin Hearts is a very simple yet very advanced meditation that aims at building a universal consciousness for achieving illumination. Furthermore, it is a tool for world service and community service that eventually harmonizes our planet by blessing it with love, peace, joy, and goodwill.
The remarkable benefits one can gain from the regular practice of this meditation and the miraculous changes it can bring to our physical and psychological states are well documented by many well-known researchers.
If you would like to experience Pranic healing and meditation on the twin hearts, please click here to schedule a free one-to-one session.
Pranic healing is a method that all of us can use to heal ourselves and others today, but how do we learn this technique and understand it better?
Pranic healing offers Basic, Advance, and Psychotherapy courses that span 2 days and last approximately 8 to 9 hours per day. These courses are offered at authorized Pranic healing centers around the world. The school also offers courses on crystal healing, prosperity, higher spirituality, Pranic Feng Shui, Spiritual business management, etc.
For the level 1 course, you could expect to pay around $350, while the remaining courses may cost more. It is even possible to sign up for all levels with great discounts, however, based on the teachings of Grand Master Choa Kok Sui these teachings are priceless and so much more than the price one pays, and one receives a great deal more than what he/she has paid.
We all know that Energy is not a new-age concept. The art of healing has been practiced by many sages, saints, and healers for a long time. One thing that sets Pranic Healing apart from the rest is its science-based, modern approach to energy, healing, and general well-being. As a matter of fact, Life-force, Chi, or Prana, is the fourth state of matter after solids, liquids, and gases. Energy is pervasive; it encompasses all. If we all knew how energy works and become aware of its laws, it will be easier for all of us to materialize the things we wish for and avoid any event that does not serve us.
“Life Energy or Prana is all around us. It is pervasive; we are actually in an ocean of Life Energy”
Grand Master Choa Kok Sui