How can Chakra Healing help in addiction?

Addiction and its recovery through Chakra healing A lot of people relate addiction to substance abuse, but drug abuse or alcoholism is not the only form of addiction. Below are the categories into which addiction can be classified. Chemical:  This refers to the misuse of substances like cigarettes, alcohol, and drug abuse. Behavioral:  Compulsive behaviors […]

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Which Chakras Are Responsible For Anger And How To Treat?

Chakra healing for anger management Despite numerous studies and literature suggesting that individuals with anger issues tend to have problems with their Root Chakra, it should be noted that the Root Chakra is not the primary chakra in need of attention as it merely governs our survival instincts and not for healing anger.  Anger is […]

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Chakra Healing For Anxiety

Chakra healing is a holistic method of providing substantial relief from anxiety. Chakras govern the way the human body functions and any disturbance here directly impacts the physical body and emotions. Removing blockages in chakras or energy centers, helps restore the flow of life energy thereby bringing life back to normalcy for the patient. ‘Anxiety’ […]

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