Chakra healing is a holistic method of providing substantial relief from anxiety. Chakras govern the way the human body functions and any disturbance here directly impacts the physical body and emotions. Removing blockages in chakras or energy centers, helps restore the flow of life energy thereby bringing life back to normalcy for the patient.
‘Anxiety’ a word known to most, experienced by many and understood by few, is a subject for all age groups. From a time when it was a hush hush topic to today where it becomes very common and sometimes mentioned too loosely, approach to anxiety and solutions to it has undergone a huge change.
Anxiety doesn’t differentiate between male or female, young or old, rich or poor. It can happen to anyone and at any point in time!
However, the good news is along with conventional medicine and therapy there are several alternative therapies that can help in complete recovery from anxiety.
Chakra healing is a method that can provide substantial relief from anxiety. By removing blockages in chakras or energy centers, thereby restoring the flow of life energy in the body. Chakras govern the way the human body functions and any disturbances here directly impact the physical body and emotions. Chakra healing for anxiety can help restore this internal balance of energy, thereby bringing life back to normalcy for the patient.
Let’s dive deeper into this subject to understand how this works.
Anxiety is a feeling or response, of the body to a situation which is not desirable. We experience it in the form of feeling excessive fear or worry and in response your body may freeze, you may experience difficulty in breathing, feel suffocated or feel trapped. In an extreme scenario a person may even faint, vomit or break into a cold sweat.
Many use the term anxiety loosely to describe their general day-to-day events but if you talk to real victims, you understand how traumatic an anxiety attack can be and leaves behind deep psychological scars in its wake.
Psychological pain though in the mind, can lead to more pain than physical injury sometimes derailing one’s everyday functioning.
If you are wonder whether you have anxiety or you want to test your anxiety level, you may take the anxiety test here
Pre-existing phobias or traumas are a common reason for triggering of anxiety attacks.
To cite an example- if somebody with fear of heights is asked to look down a window on the 24th floor, it may trigger anxiety for them.
A victim of car accident, may subsequently face anxiety if they have to be on the road again. People who may have experienced an abusive marriage or childhood trauma may face a lot of anxiety before establishing new relationships. Someone with financial failure may face tremendous anxiety before starting a new venture.
In short, programming from past “experiences” and traumas is a common reason behind serious anxiety issues.
Lifestyle including irregular sleep pattern, social life, excessive consumption of alcohol, caffeine, lack of exercise etc can also cause or add to the anxiety levels.
Sudden events like death of a loved one, breaking up of a relationship, sudden financial losses, loss of a job can all trigger anxiety.
There are some personality types also who tend to stress excessively about the future and excessive worry for them can lead to anxiety.
Social anxiety is also common, where people fear meeting new people or being in groups, instead preferring to keep to themselves.
Public speaking can trigger anxiety for many.
Chemical imbalances in the body due to hormonal changes can be another cause for anxiety.
Treating anxiety is important as it can not only impede your day-to-day activities but also ensure it’s not translating into other long term physical problems like insomnia, digestive disorders, heart ailments etc.
Dealing with anxiety is like a battle with self.
Conventional medicines and therapy can certainly help here, but combining these methods with some alternative therapies can provide powerful results. Chakra healing or balancing can be used as a safe tool for this purpose.
A practitioner of chakra healing may also help to heal underlying issues permanently.
Although not aware of it we are all living and breathing in an ocean of energy.
Our physical body has its own energy field also called “aura”. It’s not a coincidence that sometimes when we meet a total stranger, we “feel” an instant synergy with their ideas or an instant repulsion. There is a saying in the esoteric world — your energy introduces you before you speak. We get this understanding through the aura or the energy body of the person.
The energy body has energy stations or chakras which are responsible for distribution of energy to the various parts of the body.
We have talked about chakras and their chief functions in the article “the complete chakra healing guide for beginners “.
These chakras have physical and psychological functions among others.
The anxiety that we have been talking about exists somewhere in the body. The question to ask is where ?
As per inner studies all emotions we experience including anxiety exist in energy form, in our chakras. Chakras being the energy centers, are the store house of these emotions.
So by treating the chakras for energies of anxiety, one can feel better to a great extent. Not only anxiety, chakra healing can correct several other psychological ailments like depression, phobias, OCD to name a few.
Our emotion govern our chakras and vice versa. So by rectifying condition of our chakras we can restore our mental and emotional health.
What we feed our chakras will determine the condition of the energy body and eventually show in our life. How so? Our physical and energy bodies are interconnected. what happens in one will reflect in the other. To explain this better let me sight an example- if I am someone who is of highly nervous temperament, it’s highly probable I may experience digestion issues at one time or the other in my life. Why?
Solar Plexus is the name of the chakra that governs most of our digestive organs. On the psychological side, it’s the chakra that is the seat of emotions like courage, perseverance, anger, irritation etc, so it will store up such energies. The fear/worry of a person with nervous temperament will get stored up in Solar Plexus and interfere with the natural flow of energy. This will create issues with digestive organs resulting in ailments of the digestive system like loose bowel movement etc.
There are various methods of Chakra healing like crystal healing, reiki, quantum healing, qigong, Pranic healing etc., that one can choose from.
The word Reiki is made from two Japanese words called- 'Rei' meaning “God’s wisdom” and Ki meaning “energy”. In Reiki, 'ki' or the energy is used on chakras to regulate and normalize the flow of energy flowing to the chakra. Certain hand movement techniques and specific symbols are used to channelize this energy of the universe to heal the body.
Crystals have consciousness and so under trained guidance, can be used in healing process to draw out impurities from the body. Crystals work differently on the body and target different kinds of physical, emotional and spiritual problems. They are known to repel negative energy from the body, which may disturb the mental and physical well-being.
This technique is based on the principle of resonance and entertainment. The energy level in the body is increased through breathing and visualization of energy flow. Quantum Healing is not only a spiritual thing, but it also has a positive effect on the immune system.
The aim of Qigong is to promote the movement of Qi (energy) in the body; this is done by opening certain gates and stretching and twisting energy channels. A key point in Qigong practice is relaxation and deep breathing, both of which are prerequisites to let Qi flow.
Qigong therapy is used to regain the lost balance of the body. With the history of some 4,000 years, Qigong comprises coordinated movements of the body along with breathing, and meditation to stimulates health and spirituality. The therapy has its root in Chinese medicine and is said to balance the positive energy of the body, which is required to stay healthy.
Pranic comes from the Sanskrit word “prana” which mean energy or life force. Pranic Healing is based on the principle that body has the ability to heal itself. It is further explained that physical body is surrounded by an energy body with chakras and energy channels. One can clear blockages in them to bring about a smooth and natural flow of energy. This results in rapid healing of the person. It is a no touch, no drug therapy and can produce dramatic results for a wide variety of ailments. Pranic Healing also shares certain breathing techniques which are good for stabilizing the condition while you may be facing anxiety.
Chakra healing can also help maintain the physical health. This may not happen instantaneously but over a period of time the condition can be improved greatly and in many cases completely cured. Healing modality like Pranic Healing can also help in improving the both physical and psychological disorders of people. There are many testimonials of people who have taken help of the healing and come out fully healed of anxiety, never to have complained of it again.
Since thoughts exist in energy form, by cleaning the chakras of negative thoughts one can see significant improvement in a patients mental health.
Healing helps removes these energies from the root level thereby giving more permanent relief to the patient.
Let us choose to live freely in this world not just physically but mentally also.
Freedom to experience life without anxiety is an achievable dream.