Back Pain chakra: Treat your spine ailments, back pain with Pranic Healing

Posted by Rosetta Jermain

Back pain is something that impacts nearly 8 out of 10 people, at some point in their life. While it’s quite common, as one ages, one may be at a greater risk of being affected by it. The level of pain can range from a dull ache to very high intensity, sometimes making routine tasks also difficult.

There can be several reasons for back pain. It may be due to strained muscles, muscle spasm, spinal stenosis, herniated disc, arthritis, etc. If physical symptoms continue beyond a few days, they should not be ignored. Physical therapy, medical treatment like muscle relaxants, and painkillers can be quite effective in treating the pain most of the time. However, in some extreme cases, surgery may be required.

Basic chakra can be called back pain chakra. For those new to the concept of chakra, the word chakra means “wheels” in Sanskrit and is used to denote energy centers. Their role is to take in prana or life force energy from the surroundings and push out old used up energy. The fresh prana is spread to the organs and throughout the body to vitalize them.

Chakras can play a major role in the healing of most ailments, physical or psychological. They have physical, emotional, and mental functions and chakra imbalance has a huge bearing on the condition of the human body. By balancing the flow of energy in chakras, you can heal most of your health issues.

Healing through chakra balancing has been practiced since ancient times. This can be done using chakra meditations, yoga, crystals, shamanic practices, etc. However, one of the techniques that stands out, both in its simplicity and efficiency is Pranic Healing. You can learn to align your chakras, balance energy in the organs, and treat most ailments using it.

Pranic Healing is very effective for backache and other muscular-skeletal disorders especially problems like herniated disc, sciatica, arthritis, etc. Apart from physical health, it can also effectively address mental health issues like depression, anxiety, fear, trauma, stress, etc. You can apply it on its own or it can act as a strong complement to therapy and conventional medicine. 

Click here to know more about Pranic Healing.

Back Pain chakra: Treat your spine ailments, back pain with Pranic Healing

Most schools talk about 7 major chakras. This includes the basic chakra (root chakra), sacral chakra (sex chakra), solar plexus chakra, heart chakra, throat chakra, ajna chakra (third eye chakra), and crown chakra.  

Basic or root chakra is the most important chakra for back pain. This is because basic chakra energizes the muscular-skeletal system, hence the bones, muscles, and spine in the body. If this chakra is weak, the body will also feel a lack of energy and vitality. It is also very important for recovery from illness as it provides strength to the entire physical body.

Basic chakra also governs our survival instinct and ability to make money. When it is blocked, despite good qualifications one may find it difficult to earn well. One of the metaphysical reasons for back issues is said to be excessive financial worries. In some cases, an emotional or mental reason manifests in a back problem.

Our spine pretty much covers the entire midsection of the body. It can be divided into the upper/cervical, middle/thoracic, and lower/lumbar spine. While basic chakra energizes it, there are chakras that exist in the mid-section of the body that also impacts the back. Blockages in these chakras can also cause severe back ailments and therefore can’t be ignored.

The solar plexus is an important chakra to be treated. Very often emotional blockages and negative energy stored from the past can result in the weakening of the spine. This weakening can bring about back-related concerns. For herniated back, the solar plexus is an important chakra to be treated.  

The same is the case with the heart chakra, there can be issues in the upper back if dirty energy from this chakra spreads around the upper spine. It will be important to treat this chakra along with the basic chakra.

Pranic Healing can be quite effective here. In two simple steps, that of cleansing i.e. removing blockages from the chakra, and energizing i.e. putting fresh prana in the chakra, the healing process can be shortened substantially in most cases.

Click here to book a free Pranic Healing consultation.  

Is there a chakra at the back of the head?

Apart from the 7 minor chakras, there is a network of mini and minor chakras that regulate the energy flow in the body. Mini and minor chakras are regulated by a major chakra and perform subsidiary functions.

Backhead minor chakra is located at the back of the head. It energizes the ears, the eyes, the head area, and the scalp. While these organs are energized by other major chakras, the back head minor chakra also plays an important role when healing ailments related to them.  

The energy from lower chakras, especially emotional energy from the solar plexus can rise up through the spine and impact the back head minor chakra. This is one of the ways in which unregulated or unresolved emotions can impact the whole body instead of just restricting themself to one place.  

The eyes can feel strained due to too much stress, the ears can be impacted, and migraine headaches are quite common for people who store too much emotional worry or stress. This happens as the energy moves up through the spine, going to the back head chakra, spreading to the areas it energizes.

Therefore, while treating some of these ailments, it may be important to pay attention to the spine and thoroughly cleanse it.

What chakra is associated with shoulder pain?

Back Pain chakra: Treat your spine ailments, back pain with Pranic Healing

Energy is carried to the different parts of the body through energy channels called meridians or "nadis". Every time two energy channels overlap a chakra is formed, and therefore the body has thousands of energy centers. Wherever a larger number of energy channels converge, mini, minor, and major chakras get formed. 

Armpit minor chakra is associated with shoulder pain. While the basic chakra regulates the muscular-skeletal system, it has subsidiary chakras called minor chakra which regulate the area they are close to. So, while basic chakra is at the base of the spine, armpit minor chakra is located at the armpit area. Its function is to regulate the energies in the surrounding area, shoulder included.

While quite often shoulder pain may be a result of an external injury, there may sometimes be blockages also due to emotional reasons. The blocked energy in the lower chakra may travel up through the spine or through frontal meridians causing pain in the shoulders. Until this is handled, there may be chronic pain in the area.  

The emotional reason for shoulder pain is often related to feeling burdened. It could be work-related or related to supporting certain relationships. If there is an excessive feeling of weight and responsibility, these emotions would clog the solar plexus and eventually the shoulders.

What chakra is associated with neck pain?

Back Pain chakra: Treat your spine ailments, back pain with Pranic Healing

The neck is an extension of the spine, consisting of muscles, bones, joints, discs, and nerves. Neck problems can be caused by poor posture, pinched nerve, a fracture, sprain, etc.

Basic chakra and throat chakra are associated with neck pain. Our neck consists of bones, muscles, etc all of which are regulated by basic chakra. So, this chakra is important to be treated. Also, a lot of excess energy from the throat chakra can also spread to the neck causing chronic neck pain. 

This excess energy may be caused by excessive thinking, worry, or criticism. If this is not released, it can clog the throat chakra and then start to spread to other areas including the neck. Therefore, the throat chakra needs to be cleansed.

According to Louise Hay, a path-breaking writer on the mind-body connection i.e. how to heal your body, by changing your thought pattern,  the neck is also a symbol of flexibility. The more flexible and open one is to the course life takes, the more flexible and supple the neck would be.

Another important point to note is, if there is a lot of stress stored in the solar plexus, that can also result in neck-related problems. As a result, the solar plexus may also need cleansing.


Back Pain chakra: Treat your spine ailments, back pain with Pranic Healing
Happy stylish man in casual clothes standing on the cliff of mountain with raised hands to the sun and celebrating success

Spine problems can sometimes be complicated and at the same time very painful. It can greatly compromise your quality of life, bringing in unwanted dependence on others.  Ignoring a spine issue that lasts more than a few days is risky.

No matter how old the problem, Pranic Healing has shown remarkable success in spine-related issues. Since it is no touch, no drug, and non-invasive, it’s quite safe for young and old alike. Anyone over the age of 16 can learn it, in a period of 2 days.

An open mind to alternate therapies can sometimes point you to things western medicine cannot. In some cases, the disorder may have its root in emotional issues and not entirely in malfunctioning of the physical body. So why choose a difficult life and chronic pain when your body can be made whole again? 

When you are more accepting, endless possibilities may be presented to you, to solve your problem.

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