Chakras are energy centers that rotate in a circular motion in both a clockwise and counterclockwise direction, absorbing and releasing prana during the process, ensuring emotional and mental well-being.
Dysfunctioning chakra can manifest both emotional and physical symptoms
Emotional issues | Physical issues |
Extreme mood swings | Constant headache |
Unable to think clearly or focus | Loss of appetite |
Anxiety | Back pain |
Fear | Sinus issues |
Stressed | Blurred vision |
Inability to make decisions | Aching legs |
Feeling unsafe and insecure | Heart ailments |
Feeling stuck | Diabetes |
Constant Irritation and anger | Arthritis |
Emotional instability & Negative thinking | Cancer |
There are 11 major chakras and each chakra is responsible for both physical and psychological functions.
Lets us discuss the effects of malfunctioning of each chakra and how to identify the symptoms
Emotional symptoms: People can become very materialistic, losing touch with their spiritual selves
Physical symptoms: Diseases of the pineal gland and the brain
Emotional symptoms: Inability to focus or concentrate, inability to use intelligence effectively.
Physical symptoms: Sinusitis, Stuffy nose, diseases related to endocrine glands
Emotional symptoms: Unable to use the creative side of the brain, unable to successfully plan and execute
Physical symptoms: Throat ailments such as loss of voice, goiter, sore throat, asthma
Emotional symptoms: Unable to express love, kindness, compassion, or mercy. Feel stressed and anxious
Physical symptoms: Heart ailments and circulatory ailments, asthma, and tuberculosis
Emotional symptoms: Negative thinking, stress,, fear, anger, hatred, and can also lead to severe depression
Physical symptoms: Constipation, gastric ulcer, diabetes, kidney issues, hypertension, high cholesterol
Navel chakra
Emotional symptoms: Feeling sick, lack of awareness or agility, sexually overactive
Physical symptoms: Constipation, intestinal ailments, loose bowel movement, appendicitis
Emotional symptoms: lack of creativity, sensuality
Physical symptoms: Imptency, urinary ailments, sexual ailments, enlarged prostate gland
The symptoms help us understand and give us a hint as to which chakra or chakras are blocked and need treatment. Chakra or Pranic healing is the most effective treatment as it involves the process of cleansing the diseased energy around the chakra and replenishing it with fresh prana, allowing a smooth flow of energy within the chakras and energy channels.
Please click here for a more detailed understanding of chakras
A Chakra spins clockwise and anticlockwise taking in prana from the universe maintaining human wellbeing, however when there is an irregularity in this process a chakra is said to be imbalanced, blocked, and inactive.
Constant anger or irritation, unfavorable circumstances, stress both physical or emotional, poor nutrition, and negativity are the major causes of the chakras becoming imbalanced and congested. When left unattended for a long time can lead to severe ailments lengthening the recovery process.
Humans deal with a lot of emotions and thus are vulnerable to getting affected by circumstances around them, they are easily prone to get affected by the tiniest of unfavorable incidents in their lives.
On the physical level, people who do not respect their bodies in terms of food lead to congestion or depletion of the chakras.
It is very important to keep our energy bodies clean along with our physical body, just like we take bath each day to keep our bodies clean, we should keep our energy body clean by not being in a pool of negativity, thinking, speaking, or acting ill.
The cleaner our energy bodies are the better our chakras function keeping us away from any physical or psychological ailments.
The solar plexus chakra is the center of both positive and negative lower emotions. Emotions such as ambition, courage, anger, irritation, envy, and greed can be associated with the solar plexus chakra.
Physical ailments such as common cold, diabetes, arthritis, digestive issues, hypertension, thyroid issues, and cancer are symptoms of an unbalanced solar plexus, while psychological disorders include stress, depression, anxiety, fear, jealousy, greed, and low self-esteem.
An imbalance of the solar plexus chakra also affects our relationships with our close ones. People with blocked solar plexus chakras may lose control over their emotions at the slightest provocation, resulting in rifts and arguments in relationships.
With an imbalanced solar plexus, chakra emotions can become unregulated making one more and more anxious and resentful. In such a situation, one is unaware and not mindful of their words and actions.
One can easily tell when a person is working from their solar plexus chakra. They usually are very irritated, angry, and easily provoked.
One should also bear in mind that if this behavior shows up once in a while, it may not always be the case, but if it consistently persists and lasts for a long period of time, then most definitely yes.
The root chakra is located at the base of the spine and is referred to as the 1st chakra. This chakra is responsible for strengthening the entire physical body along with controlling the muscular and skeletal system.
Our body's immunity to fight disease can be compromised when a root chakra is blocked resulting in fever and viral infections. It affects the general vitality of the body as a result, one feels lethargic, lacks motivation, and lacks the desire to work. Whenever the root chakra is blocked or underactive, one does not feel grounded and safe, resulting in insecurity.
Overactive root chakra may tend to make a person restless and hyperactive and also suffer from insomnia; however, when this chakra is depleted or underactive the person may seem weak and fragile, they look sluggish and appear lazy. The root chakra, when balanced and highly activated, makes one strong and healthy.
There are some people who are hugely successful and make a lot of money without actually putting in a lot of effort. On the other hand, we see people who are highly qualified and work hard as well but still don't make nearly as much money. The root chakra in the case of these successful people is balanced and highly activated, there is tremendous energy, and is used effectively.
For a free consultation on the condition of your chakras click here
The crown chakra is located at the top of the head and is responsible for our connection to the divine and the infinite. The crown chakra gives us greater access to our divine self and the Soul and inculcates a great amount of gratitude for the things we have.
Meditation on the twin hearts developed by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, founder of Pranic healing helps in activating the crown chakra and allowing divine energy to flow through the chakra eliminating any negativity or toxins from our system making us calmer and at peace. The crown chakra facilitates illumination and enlightenment.
Along with meditation certain yoga poses such as Padmasan (Lotus Pose), Sirsaasana (Headstand), Vrksaasana (Tree Pose), and Halasana (Plough Pose) can help in aligning the crown chakra.
Alternative modalities such as Pranic healing can be extremely beneficial helping in cleansing the negative or diseased energy from the chakras and restoring physical and mental wellness.
Regular Yoga practice and meditation activate the crown chakra opening the pathway for spiritual connection, our intuitive intelligence increases, and our ability to resolve problems is faster and more efficient.
One experiences spiritual growth and the brain undergoes certain positive changes making one more intelligent, focused, and sharp.
A chakra can either be under or overactive, it can be congested or depleted, in any case, it is not functioning to its optimum which leads to physical and psychological ailments. The external conditions affect our chakras filling them with unwanted negative energies that make the chakra dysfunctional or blocked.
Balancing an overactive chakra can be achieved by inhibiting the chakra with Pranic healing, the chakra however needs to be cleansed thoroughly and be cleansed of any negative or diseased energies that are disrupting the smooth flow of prana through the chakra. With the use of certain specific colors, the chakra is normalized to its original shape and size.
Effects of an overactive chakra can vary from chakra to chakra, for example, if the heart chakra is overactive a person may show compassion and mercy even in places where not needed and can be taken for granted.
The person may express love to an extent where the other person may end up taking undue advantage.
A chakra should neither be overactive nor underactive, the size of the chakra should be the average size of all the other chakras. For a healthy adult, the average size of a chakra is about 3 inches, the size could be much bigger for somebody who is into spiritual practices.
Life energy or life force energy when flows smoothly a lot of issues be it physical or emotional can be resolved by just aligning the chakras. Each and every energy center needs a regulated energy flow in order to maintain well-being.
Emotional imbalance occurs when the chakras are not aligned and blocked, one should allow the divine energy to flow which acts as healing energy and helps flush out any unwanted energies. Chakra balancing can now be learned by attending 2 days workshop and can be applied to ourselves to rebuild our personal power and induce a sense of security.