We all take showers to keep our physical bodies clean, however, we often neglect to maintain emotional or mental hygiene which is equally important.
When you feel stuck in life or low, you should cleanse your chakras. If your chakras are clogged with diseased or negative energy, they spin improperly, affecting your mental and physical health. Chakra cleansing can help reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and resolve past traumas.
Chakras are energy centers and look like wheels when observed clairvoyantly, in Sanskrit, the word chakra means disk or wheel, and hence the name. There are 11 major chakras as per Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, the founder of Modern Pranic Healing.
The names are mentioned below:
Sanskrit Name: Sahasrara chakra
Location: At the top of the head
Function: It is the energy center of spiritual consciousness, and through the crown chakra one can experience illumination and oneness.
Sanskrit Name: Vishuddhi chakra
Location: At the center of the throat
Function: it is responsible to make you sharper intellectually, become more detail-oriented, and also influences your creative abilities
Location: Located between the eyebrows
Function: It is associated with your willpower and intelligence, it is also known as the master chakra as it controls and directs other chakras
Sanskrit Name: Anahata chakra
Location: Located at the center of the chest
Function: It is the center of higher emotions such as love, peace, bliss, kindness. You are more at peace and radiate love and joy if this chakra is balanced
Sanskrit Name: Manipura chakra
Locati on: Located in the hollow area between the ribs
Function: It is the center of both positive and negative lower emotions. You become confident and have good self-esteem when your Solar Plexus is balanced.
Location: Located at the Navel
Function: It is connected to the instinct of knowing, it is also the storehouse of ‘chi energy’. Chi is known as Prana or life force energy.
Sanskrit Name: Svadhisthana chakra
Location: Located in the Pubic area
Function: it is associated with sexuality and creativity, it controls and energizes the sex organs
Sanskrit Name: Mooladhara chakra
Location: Located at the base of the spine
Function: It is associated with one’s survival, when your root chakra is active you feel more energetic and healthy.
For more detailed information about chakras and their functions please click here
Cleansing chakra is a process of eliminating the disease-causing negative energies that clog the chakra and restricts its movement and interrupts the flow of energy.
Chakra healing: Pranic or chakra healing is the most effective and efficient healing modality to cleanse and balance your chakras and to remove negative energy. The healers scan with their hands to know how diseased or blocked the chakra is, they clean the chakra and disintegrate any diseased energy and fill the chakra with fresh prana.
Meditation: When you regularly practice meditations, you align yourself with the divine. The Divine is all love and peace, on regularly practicing meditation you tend to become stress-free, develop wholesome thoughts and actions, you are more energetic and peaceful from within. Your chakras are aligned and filled with positive energy.
You can start with Twin Hearts Meditation, developed and conceived by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, this meditation session is a guided 20 minutes track and aims at activating the heart and crown chakras. By practicing this type of meditation regularly one can have a tremendous amount of peace, love, prosperity, and happiness.
Yoga: Yoga purifies and revitalizes the chakras and energy channels or nadis, allowing prana to flow freely once more. It helps to release old and stagnant energy that is causing mental and physical fatigue and allows fresh, vital energy to enter the body through the asanas and breathing techniques.
Listed below are some yoga poses that can help balance and open chakras
Mountain pose: Sanskrit name - Tadasana
Bound angle pose: Sanskrit name -Baddha Konasana
Sun Salutation Pose - Sanskrit name - Surya Namaskar
Cobra Pose: Sanskrit name- Bhujangasana
Fish pose: Sanskrit name - Matsyasana
Child pose: Sanskrit name - Balasana
Tree pose: Sanskrit name - Vrikshasana
Crystal Stones: Chakras can be balanced and healed with stones. It helps in developing overall health and well-being. It can induce a sense of self-confidence and self-worth. Crystals have their own unique energies that correspond to particular areas of your life; varying combinations of their form, color, and type of energy have a corresponding impact. It also helps to increase one's energy levels.
Please follow the details mentioned below, each chakra has a unique stone assigned.
Food for Chakra balancing: Right kind of food is very essential to keep our physical body fit. It is recommended to eat a predominantly vegetarian diet which helps to maintain and balance the chakras, your body feels lighter and there is more positive energy overall. Also, it is necessary to keep our digestive area clean which is the root cause for many ailments on the physical level.
One should avoid alcohol, tobacco, and eating excessive meat, however completely avoid pork, red meat, and eel fish, as their energy is extremely gross that can create disruptions in the flow of the energy that can lead to diseases.
Every living being has layers of invisible energy fields around themselves also known as subtle bodies.
Aura is unseen layers of the energy field that surround all living beings, and they can be cleaned with a saltwater shower, incense, crystals, and meditation. These different layers of the aura contain energetic reflections of a person's thoughts, feelings, state of health, knowledge, and experiences.
There are 7 layers of the auric field
Many times we feel peaceful and happy in somebody’s company, we get attracted and like to spend time with that person, the vice versa is also possible and sometimes we feel extremely toxic and uncomfortable in the presence of some people and we get stressed.
This is because humans can sense aura if they are sensitive enough. Although aura is not visible to the naked eye some spiritually evolved people and clairvoyants have the ability to see it due to some faculties they develop over the years by regular spiritual practice.
From 1939 to 1949, Semyon Davidovitch Kirlian, an electrician along with his wife discovered the photographic process that could capture the aura of living entities. Using these photos, the Kirlian’s believed that they could diagnose illnesses as well as predict the emotional and physical states of humans.
Chakra balancing is beneficial to everyone. One need not necessarily be ill or sick to get their chakras aligned or balanced.
The below-mentioned list includes benefits that one gains from chakra healing.
For a free personal chat and consultation with an expert about chakras and healing click here
To enjoy a high level of vitality, high energy, and a healthy appetite for life, you must keep your energy flowing through clear and unobstructed channels.
It is essential to nourish and nurture your energy system as it is a crucial component of your multidimensional existence. Tuning in will make you more sensitive to its vibrations and needs as you become more tuned in.