In order to regain our mental and emotional well-being, healing is necessary. Our busy lives often cause us to become oblivious to our health. Healing meditation is also known as self-healing.
Healing meditation calms the mind and regulates emotions. The practice of meditation for over a period of time brings emotional and mental peace, physical wellbeing, and also helps in the expansion of consciousness. Meditation also helps cure many physiological problems that originate from stress and emotional factors.
In today’s times, we are always under tremendous stress with all that is happening in our lives, be it our education, careers, relationships, or ambitions. It can become very challenging to keep up and succeed in everything we aim for while trying to keep running in what we are doing.
Due to this, we tend to feel stressed, anxious, and worried, and our auras tend to become contaminated with negativity that lowers our energy levels and makes us more inclined to think and act in an unwholesome manner.
Practicing meditation assists in clearing out these unwanted negative energies and simultaneously aligns and balances our chakras, which enables us to stay connected to our divine self. With our thoughts regulated, we become closer to our divine selves and regain our mental and physical well-being.
Diseases first manifest on the energy body before it occurs on the physical body. Meditation helps flush out the energies that result in physical ailments. It is not a one-day process since these unwanted negative energies we carry for years could become very sticky and can take longer to get rid of.
In this day and age, science has enough evidence to prove that when we are not stressed and are in control of our emotions, we can be healthy, and that is possible when we meditate regularly. Although meditation can be done at any time, it reaps more benefits when done each morning at a specific place and time.
A holistic approach is the best for any kind of illness, be it physical or mental, yet a significant portion of the population remains heavily reliant on popping pills. Oftentimes, we treat the symptoms instead of the underlying cause.
Almost all ailments that affect the physical body can be healed by meditation. Ailments are manifestations of discord and imbalance in the body. Relationship issues, financial stress, career worries, trauma, and fear may lead to this imbalance. Meditation enhances overall wellbeing by allowing one to become aware of their thoughts and emotions.
Our chakras also play a vital role in our overall well-being. The chakras when blocked, congested or imbalanced can cause physical or psychological issues. Physical diseases right from the common cold to cancer and psychological issues such as stress, anxiety, trauma, etc. can be the consequences of imbalance in chakras.
We experience positive emotions when we meditate. This helps to raise our body's frequency. These positive energies tend to cleanse away energetic blockages and imbalances that manifest as diseases in the body. As everything that exists in the universe is energy, when we vibrate at a higher frequency it is obvious that the lower or negative energies dissipate keeping our mind and body healthy.
Sleep is very important for the health and productivity of our work. When we don't sleep well, it can affect our behavior, which can impact the quality and efficiency of our work. As per 50-70 million US adults suffer from sleep disorders, insomnia being the most prevalent.
Listening to soothing music can help the mind relax and improve sleep quality. Rhythmic beats help your energy to flow smoothly and make you release stress or any unwanted emotions. Music affects everyone differently, so you are the best judge of what works for you, music that is loud or heavy metal is clearly not a good idea because it makes you feel restless and anxious.
You can find several types of relaxing music online, with the most popular one being Deep Sleep relaxing music by Peder B. Helland. The best way to practice this is to play it at a volume that's both audible and not too loud. Close your eyes lying in corpse pose(Shavasana) and do some deep breathing for a few minutes. The sound of music will assist you in falling asleep, and if it's playing in the background while you're sleeping, that's fine.
The common benefits of listening to meditation music to help sleep includes
The author has experienced the positive effects of Twin Hearts meditation developed by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, founder of Modern Pranic Healing, which he mentions in this write-up despite the fact that there are a lot of meditations available today online and offline.
The twin hearts meditation is the most advanced and effective meditation for healing oneself and mother earth. It was developed by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui and practiced by millions worldwide. This meditation helps align our crown chakra which represents universal love and the heart chakra which represents love for our family and friends.
This is a 20 minute guided meditation where one activates the Heart chakra first and then the Crown chakra in order to bless mother earth, it uses the Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi to bless mother earth. When both the heart and crown chakras are activated it becomes easier for the divine energy to pass through us which is then projected to planet earth.
Further to this Master Choa Kok Sui, guides us to become aware of a brilliant star 3 inches above the crown chakra and to silently chant the mantra ‘OM’ and become aware of the gap between 2 ‘OM’s. This facilitates the expansion of our consciousness, a lot of meditators experience pure bliss during this part and some even have answers to their long-standing questions.
For a free consultation and to know about Pranic healing and Twin hearts meditation click here
Despite the common misconception that meditation is for the elderly and that we can only practice it in old age when we have enough time on our hands, meditation is for people of all ages, and it is perhaps more recommended now than ever before because of the amount of stress we live under.
Meditation and Yoga is the most effective and fastest way to heal your physical and psychological ailments. Most holistic treatments centers do not ask you to discontinue your medications, as healing acts as a complementary treatment and only expedites the healing process. Although gradually one can be completely off medicines with regular practice.
The Twin heart meditation by Master Choa Kok Sui when practiced regularly not only heals the physical ailments but also contributes to better sleep quality. As your thoughtforms regulate and you feel more positive about life, there is a significant improvement in your relationships.
A blockage in a chakra or energy channel can manifest as a disease in the body, however, meditation regulates the flow of prana, balances the chakras, and leads to emotional stability by flushing out all negative and used-up energies. Our aim should not only be to live a disease-free life but also to live a life that is balanced between spirituality and material life.
Though healing techniques and meditation have been practiced since ancient times, they have been lost through the passage of time, in addition to the introduction of allopathy. Thanks to the internet, people are becoming more aware of holistic health treatments for ailments.
Meditation has the benefit of improving the body's and brain's response to general stress, thus reducing the likelihood of relapse. A healthy lifestyle, such as eating a nutritious diet, exercising regularly, and sleeping enough can improve outcomes significantly.
Click here to know more about chakras and holistic healing