Over the years we often visit a doctor practicing allopathy medicine to treat our ailments, we usually pop medicines prescribed and in most cases, we continue taking the medicines.
Physical ailments can be cured by healing the chakras located on the energy body, the chakras when blocked or congested with negative energy, tend to obstruct the energy flow manifesting as a disease. Chakra healing repairs the condition of the chakras and restores the mental, emotional and physical body.
Pranic or Chakra healing is a science to heal chakras, developed by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui. Pranic healing is a no-touch, no-drug therapy where the healer scans the chakras of the patient to determine which chakras are blocked and congested with negative energy and treat them accordingly.
Physical ailments like the common cold, constipation, lung diseases, vertigo, digestive issues, headache, infertility, acne, back pain, allergies, high blood pressure, autism, asthma, erectile dysfunction, fibroids, flu, etc can be cured using Chakra healing. The root cause of most physical illnesses is emotional, and when chakras are balanced and unblocked, the condition is can be permanently cured.
People across the world are becoming more and more interested in chakra healing for the remarkable results it has been providing. Pranic or Chakra healing centers located across the world, provide healings. You can also learn how to heal on your own by attending their 2 days course. The course offers a holistic approach to treat physical and psychological ailments.
‘A patient from India suffering from severe acidity and digestion took Pranic Healing, the healer recognized there was a lot of grief and emotional trauma that triggered acidity and digestion in the patient, with regular healings and Meditation the patient was completely diagnosed and never suffered again ‘
Click HERE for a free consultation on chakras and healings.
Based on their placement, the chakras correspond to various body organs and glands. Chakras regulate and energize the physical, emotional, and psychological aspects of life.
The Root chakra is responsible for physical health. This chakra controls and energizes the muscular and skeletal system as a result of which the whole physical body is strengthened. This chakra determines how healthy a person is on the physical level as it also controls the immune system.
The root chakra energy center is also known as the Mooladhara chakra and is located at the base of the spine. You may have come across people who are very energetic and dynamic. Such people have a very strong and active basic chakra. They are very successful people as this chakra is the center of self-survival.
When this chakra is congested or blocked, it may manifest as a disease on the physical or psychological level. The symptoms usually reflect as fatigue, low energy levels, falling sick constantly, body looking weak, career issues, not having enough success overall. Although all chakras are responsible for various corresponding organs, the root chakra plays a crucial role in one’s physical health.
When you see somebody struggling to find a job, or achieve success in their business, it is a good idea to treat the root chakra. It can help one become healthier, prosperous and improve their overall condition in life.
When energy flows freely and smoothly through a chakra and when the chakra is spinning at optimal speed taking in life-force energy or prana maintaining well being of the organs it is said to be open and active.
Physical symptoms of the root chakra opening include:
In some cases the root chakra is overactive and that can lead to hyperactivity, restlessness, and insomnia, and children who are restless have overactive root chakras. Despite appearing very active, they have some repercussions over time that are different from what they appear to be.
People with an activated root chakra tend to be healthy physically, they appear fit and strong. A person with a strong and active root chakra has good overall health since this chakra is responsible for controlling and energizing your immune system
When the root chakra is blocked or congested the energy needed to maintain the immune system or to control and energize the muscular and skeletal system is not enough and so it can manifest as diseases like fever, insomnia, attracting infections frequently, chronic fatigue, stomach disorders, muscle, shoulder pain and joint aches, skin problems.
Pranic healing is an ancient healing modality, which is now becoming more and more popular thanks to the founder of Modern Pranic Healing, Grand Master Choa Kok Sui.
Root chakra healing is cleansing the chakra for any diseased or negative energies, clearing all blockages, and allowing prana to flow smoothly through the chakra. Healing occurs when the chakra is cleansed and replenished with fresh prana. Root chakra cleansing can increase self-survival ability and improve physical health.
Chakra balancing can help from reducing the intake of medications to eventually ceasing to take them altogether. We need to realize that most of our problems stem from our emotional instability, and instead of turning outward to find solutions, we need to look inward. Our body has 11 major chakras, and if we balance them all we could even live a disease-free life.
Although Pranic or chakra healing is the most advanced, effective, and fastest healing modality there are other healing therapies also like crystal healing, healing with mantras, yoga asanas, breathing techniques. To ensure an optimal state of the chakras it is also essential to follow a vegetarian diet or at least avoid consuming red meat, pork, tobacco, and excessive alcohol.
As per the teachings of Master Choa Kok Sui, there are 11 major chakras in our system, chakra or emotional imbalances and blockages are the root cause for most of the ailments.
The below-mentioned list includes chakras that need healings
Also known as the 7th chakra or Sahasrara chakra
Malfunctioning of this chakra include suffering from depression, diseases associated with the brain, or the pineal gland
Also known as the Third-eye chakra
Malfunctioning of this chakra includes unregulated thoughts and emotions, diseases related to endocrine glands, ear infections, and sinus issues.
Also known as Vishuddhi chakra
Malfunctioning of this chakra includes throat-related diseases like sore throat, goiter, asthma, and sterility.
Also known as Anahata chakra
Malfunctioning of this chakra includes heart-related ailments like congenital heart diseases, coronary artery diseases, abnormal heart rhythms, and high cholesterol.
Also known as Manipura chakra
Malfunctioning of the solar plexus chakra includes Glaucoma, arthritis, diabetes, high cholesterol, liver infections, constipation, and asthma.
Malfunctioning of this chakra includes constipation, diarrhea, appendicitis, intestinal ailments, and low vitality.
Also known as Sacral chakra or Swadhisthana chakra
Malfunctioning of the Sacral chakra includes urinary diseases, enlarged prostate gland, impotency, and sexual ailments.
Also known as Basic or Mooladhara chakra
Malfunctioning of this chakra includes low vitality, fatigue, aches in joints and muscles, spinal problems, slow healing of wounds, and arthritis.
For detailed information about all 11 major chakras and their functions please click here
As an example, let's look at heart disease, which is the most common form of illness; according to statistics, approximately 360,000 people died due to heart diseases in the year 2019 in the US.
When chakra healing is applied to physical ailments, the illness can be cured without the need for surgery or pills, although prescribed medicines should be continued for a short while after healing and can be discontinued at the doctor's request. With chakra healing, results are visible only after a few healing sessions.
In the case of a patient suffering from coronary artery disease, it is very natural that the heart chakra is blocked and congested. Pranic Healers cleanse all the unwanted negative energies that prevent the heart chakra to function to its optimum level. Specific colors are used for cleansing, dissolving, and dilating the arteries.
In addition to the heart chakra, the solar plexus, liver, lungs, and the physical heart are also thoroughly cleansed. To further strengthen the physical body the root and navel chakras are also cleansed and energized.
The patient is advised to consume a well-balanced healthy diet, avoid stressful situations and conflicting environments as they may aggravate the condition. This condition is caused by the excessive stress that the patient has been carrying for a long time and therefore the solar plexus which is the seat of emotions is affected, healings help the patient to release stress which in turn helps with recovery.
The advancement of science has also led to evidence of healing modalities that were once viewed as primitive and ineffective. A holistic approach to health involves treating the mind, body, and spirit of the person, so as to treat both the symptoms and the causes of illness. In saying that most diseases are caused by stress and toxic environments we are exposed to, hence it becomes important to treat both the illness and the external environment.