Chakra Healing 101: The Complete Beginner Guide For Chakra Healing

Posted by Gabriella Jacob

Chakras are energy centers that control and energize organs and connected functions within the body. They are energetic in nature and exist inside and outside the physical body regulating physical and psychological state of an individual. Chakras are not only controlling our body and mind but also play an important role in enabling our spiritual growth and development.

Healing in context of chakras would mean regulating and strengthening chakras through various external and internal methods. Hatha Yoga, Pranayam, Reiki, Pranic Healing, etc. are some the of healing modalities.

Chakra healing has been a topic of discussion for many mystical seekers, spiritual and theosophical practitioners. But this is no longer a subject for the chosen few. A growing curiosity about the functioning of the chakra has spread through into the collective minds of mainstream public at large as well. 

The first step here would be to understand what chakra healing is, and for this purpose lets dissect the phrase into “chakra” and “healing”

  • Chakras are energy centers that control and energize organs and connected functions within the body. They are energetic in nature and exist inside and outside the physical body regulating physical and psychological state of an individual. Chakras are not only controlling our body and mind but also play an important role in enabling our spiritual growth and development.
  • Healing in context of chakra would mean regulating and strengthening chakra through various external and internal methods. Hatha Yoga, Pranayam, Reiki, Pranic Healing, etc. are some the of healing modalities. 

Let's dive deeper to into the topic to understand more on how chakra work and how rectifying their condition through chakra healing can change your life.

What are chakras?

Chakra, as the name suggests, means a ‘wheel’ or ‘disc’ in motion and the word traces its origins to the ancient Sanskrit language. As we embark upon a journey to understand chakras and their significance on our lives, it’s imperative to lay down some basic ground rules to ensure common and correct interpretation. 

Undetected by the naked eye, lies a deep ancient secret – that of an energy body surrounding the physical body. This energy body has direct correlation with the physical body, anything that happens in the energy body also brings about changes in the physical body. 

Our energy body constitutes of energy centers that we call chakras and energy channels also called meridian or nadis.

Chakras and our existence

The word chakra conjures up images of eastern mysticism but a closer study reveals the all-pervasive truth about the very existence of mankind - chakras are the living and breathing powerhouses of energy which govern all aspects of living beings on this planet.

We have all experienced physical illness like cold and flu, headache, or psychological states like guilt, anger, fear and worry. What if we told you that the secret to all your well being lies in the innocuous sounding word chakras. And your life will upgrade significantly through proper chakra healing.

How many chakras does human system have and their function?

There are major and minor chakras. Depending on the texts you are referring to, the number may vary from 7 to 9 major chakras.

The widely accepted one is 7 Chakras system:

ChakraSankrit nameLocationPhysical functionPsychological function
Root chakraMuladharaBase of the spinePhysical movement and wellness of the bodyCenter for suvival, location for kundalini
Sacral /sex chakraSvadhisthanaBelow the belly button –pubic areaReproductive organsCenter for creativity
Solar plexusManipuraNear stomach areaAbdominal, digestion track, liverCentre for emotions like courage, self-interest,anger
Heart chakraAnahataNear the physical heart/chest area.Physical heart and lungsCentre for love for closed ones, ability to forgive
Throat chakraVishuddhiNear the throat areaThyroid glands, lymph nodesAbility to express
Ajna chakraAjnaBetween the eyebrowTemples, eyes, sinusCentre for will
Crown chakraSahasraraAt the top of the headBrain and the nervous systemSpiritual development and higher consciousness

There are some schools like Pranic healing use 11 major chakras system and it offers specific chakra healing methods and protocols to rectify their condition if required. For more information on Pranic healing and their various courses please visit

Chakra Healing 101: The Complete Beginner Guide For Chakra Healing

For professional chakra healing services please reach out here. They cater distance chakra healing services across the globe.

Role of Chakras

The primary role of chakras is to provide energy and keep it flow smoothly to the body parts and maintain their health. Proper functioning and movement of these chakras results in vitality, healthy mind and body, on the other hand any malfunctioning of chakras can bring about diseases in the body. 

To explain this, we can consider an example of a water pipe from which water is flowing. There are switches in the water pipe to adjust the flow of the water. If at some switches there are blockages, this will affect the smooth flow of water.

Similarly, chakras control and regulate the flow of energy and if this flow is affected it will create energy blockages. These blockages over a period of time will result in physical disease or emotional conditions. 

Chakras blockers

Internal blockers

These blockages are often created by one’s own negative thoughts and emotions. Prolonged negative thoughts, stress, negative attitude get lodged in chakras and disrupt the flow of energy resulting in physical and psychological disease.

External blockers

Some of these factors can be - physical hurt/ injury, stressful work environment, food intake, cold and rainy weather (where sun prana/energy is lacking or substantially low), sudden loss of loved one, financial loss etc. 

Other factors

An individual’s reaction to these situations will also determine the impact on the chakral condition of a person thereby defining the degree of physical or psychological impact. 

How chakras healing work?


In most cases the area of disease also determines the area of blockage, which requires correction through relative chakras. For example, digestive diseases would involve malfunctioning of solar plexus chakra; sexual diseases would involve malfunctioning of sex chakra, etc. Based on the location of the disease and its corresponding chakra, the line of treatment can be provided. 

Healing Process

Chakra healing base on thoroughly removing the dirty energy (blockers) on the corresponding chakras and replace it with fresh and clean energy. When do it correctly, in most cases this condition can be rectified. 

Choosing Chakra Healer

It is very important to find the right chakra healing practitioner in the field for this process, as anything incorrectly or inappropriately done can lead to further damage. Needless to add a thorough research is necessary before choosing the suitable method modality for chakral condition.

Pranic Healing provide chakra healing solutions to a large variety of ailments ranging from a minor cut to different types of cancers. It explains in great detail methods to clean and energise the energy body and chakras in order to rectify the imbalances and normalize the condition. 

Chakras hygiene

As already stated earlier, chakras are the gateway to the physical and mental health of an individual. Clairvoyants (people with extra sensory perception) observed that disease manifests first in the energy body before it physicalizes in the human body in the form of physical and psychological disorders. 

This establishes the fact that it is equally important to maintain energy hygiene as energy body's condition is mirroring the physical body and vice versa.

That is why energy showers are as important as physical showers to clean the energy body. The easiest energy shower is salt bath. Salt has a powerful cleansing effect on chakras and energy body. By using salt to replace soap during shower or put a cup of salt into bathtub and soak your body for 15 minutes will make your chakras and energy body cleaner. You can enjoy this energy shower twice a week or as need.

Can chakras be seen?


Many clairvoyants are gifted with the ability to see chakras with their naked eye. But there are only a few clairvoyants compare with the world population. Also, and even if we are able to see, how sure are we that what we are seeing and interpreting is the reality. 


The training program in Pranic Healing can train a layman to feel the energy body and also chakras with their bare hands! Yes, you read it right, you can learn to feel energy with our own bare hands. With the proper guidance and technique taught in Pranic Healing one can feel or scan chakras. Based on these scans one can determine the health of the chakras and accordingly rectify the condition.


If you are interested in experimenting further on, Dr. Konstantin G. Korotkov invent Bio-Well cameras using GDV technology. By measuring the biophotons emitted by humans help to capture the energy field around a human body or an object. For more information, check out . 


Assessing the condition of the chakras may sound fascinating to the reader, but reason to know should be more than just satisfying the curious mind, as these chakras define our lives. They are direct reflection of who we are, our nature, our strengths, our weakness. They govern our life patterns and define who we are.

After understanding these concepts, it would be right to conclude that we truly are the sculptors of our lives. By bringing about changes in our mind set and thought patterns we can change condition of the chakra which will reflect in our lives. Any shifts to be brought about outside will first have to be made inside and to take this a step further by helping others with this process we can also be an instrument to bring about changes in other people's life by being a channel of service.

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