Losing Weight Is Easy When You Are Taking Care Of These Chakras

Lose weight just by using Chakra healing techniques...really? When you embark on a new weight loss regimen, join a gym and start counting calories, how do you feel? Surely, it becomes difficult to follow the regime and there is a sense of deprivation of the food and comfort you enjoy. Balancing and harmonizing our chakras […]

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Improve Your Digestive System By Healing These Chakras

Digestion is an essential function for the existence and maintenance of the body. Through the process of digestion, the body breaks down food into a form easily absorbable by the cells which will result in growth, repair, and overall wellbeing of the body. Any disruption in the process results in discomfort or pain, inflammation, malabsorption […]

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Which Chakras Are Responsible For Vertigo and Dizziness?

Vertigo is a sensation of feeling off-balance as if you are spinning internally or externally. It is a perception of moving or of objects around you moving when in reality they are in a stationary state. One may also feel they are swaying, tilting or there may be a spell of dizziness. In severe cases of vertigo, people are unable to stand or walk. While quite often vertigo […]

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