All about your Solar Plexus: Location and guide to unblock

Posted by Rosetta Jermain

Chakras are whirling vortices of energy that regulate the flow and distribution of energy to the entire human body. They are responsible for all our physical, emotional, and mental functions.

Solar Plexus is an important chakra located in the hollow area between your ribs. It has a huge bearing on your emotional makeup and how you react to stressful and difficult situations in your life. 

Do you get worried easily? Does office politics bother you even when you are home? Do you constantly fear succeeding at your job or your colleague being better than you? Do you often get into heated arguments with your loved ones? If the answer to these questions is yes, you most likely have a blocked solar plexus chakra.

Let us understand what the solar plexus is responsible for. The solar plexus is the energy center that holds a lot of your lower emotions like stress, worry, insecurity, anger, irritations, greed, apathy, lack of generosity, excessive control to name a few. 

People with excessive negative emotions in their solar plexus would tend to be stressed, worried, and get provoked easily. They may feel threatened and insecure, losing their temper frequently.

A blocked solar plexus over a period of time would also bring about a slew of ailments. Diabetes, blood pressure, and heart ailments are not only lifestyle ailments but also have long-standing unresolved emotional stress behind them.

Solar plexus chakra has another side to it, it represents powerful qualities like our self-esteem, courage, persistence, ambition, justice, desire to win to name a few. With a balanced solar plexus, these qualities would come to the fore more often, helping the person succeed.

Balancing or unblocking the solar plexus can be key to success both in professional and personal space. With an excess of negative emotions in the solar plexus, you no longer see the world objectively. 

Your actions, reactions, behavior, and decisions may be faulty, leading to disappointments and difficulties.

How to unblock the solar plexus/power chakra

All about your Solar Plexus: Location and guide to unblock

Also known by the name Manipura chakra, the solar plexus can play a pivotal role in our success. A balanced solar plexus can help you keep the negative emotions in check and harness the positive side of this energy center. The impact will be visible in all aspects of our life, coloring everything we do.

Manipura chakra opening symptoms include balanced self-image, having a sense of purpose, feeling motivated and inspired, warmth in personal relationships, etc.

An underactive solar plexus chakra will be reflected in poor self-esteem, lack of courage, and lack of overall purpose in life, etc. An overly active solar plexus would make a person very aggressive, domineering, self-centered, and have control issues.

There are several ways to unblock chakras using crystals, yoga poses, color therapy, etc. The color of Manipura chakra is yellow, therefore yellow-colored crystals like citrine, yellow jasper, yellow topaz, yellow tourmaline, etc can support healing of this chakra. 

Manipura chakra yoga poses include Bhujangasana, Navasana, Dhanurasana, etc., can help in balancing this chakra. Color therapy would mean including the color yellow in clothes or accessories, eating food with yellow pigment, storing food and water in yellow-colored utensils and bottles, etc.

A very advanced technique of balancing chakras is taught in Pranic Healing. Introduced by Master Choa Kok Sui, it is practiced in over 90 countries due to its ability to heal and harmonize chakras and the associated ailments. The techniques of Pranic Healing help to remove negative energies from the chakras and strengthen the positive energies. 

What blocks the Solar Plexus?

All about your Solar Plexus: Location and guide to unblock

The flow of energy in chakras can be blocked by external or internal factors. External reasons include things like our food, our lifestyle, our habits, our culture, etc. Internal reasons largely include our emotions and the way we process them.

Our food habits or the type of things we consume would have a direct impact on our energy body and the chakras. Eating spicy, fried, and processed food, consuming alcohol, tobacco, hallucinogenic drugs would throw the solar plexus off-balance. Eating a non-vegetarian diet also impacts the energy body, making it grosser. 

If our lifestyle includes excessive partying or hedonistic pleasures, very long or stressful work hours, a profession or line where there is fraudulent, manipulative, or criminal activity, they will all result in an imbalance of chakras.  

Internal factors include our value system, our beliefs, and our emotional tendencies. Some qualities are inherent to us and we may exhibit them even as children. Then there are some tendencies we pick up as we are growing up.

To give an example, when a person with healthy self-esteem hears a personal affront, the reaction may be to ignore it, thinking the other person is immature or childish. On the other hand, a person with low esteem may look at it as a blow to their ego. The reaction may be to engage in an argument that may produce further emotions of revenge, resentment, or bitterness.

Our emotional makeup will determine the state of our chakras and our reactions to situations. Some of the solar plexus qualities that will dictate our emotions include being selfless or selfish, being generous or miserly, being empathic or apathy, being courageous or cowardly, etc.

Solar Plexus chakra location and its functions

The solar plexus is located in the hollow area between the ribs. It has both physical and emotional functions therefore an out-of-balance solar plexus energy center would impact the physical body parts that it regulates along with emotional imbalances.

On the physical level, the solar plexus center regulates our diaphragm, stomach, pancreas, and liver. It also impacts the lungs to some extent and large and small intestines. All digestive issues (acid reflux, diarrhea, etc) diabetes, ailments related to heart, blood pressure would need correcting of solar plexus chakra. It also impacts the quality of blood as it controls the liver which purifies the blood.

The solar plexus plays an important role in regulating emotions. It is a powerful energy center which when out of balance, for a long period, can create psychological ailments. Ailments like depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, insomnia, tendency to be violent, etc are all manifestations of prolonged negative emotions, predominantly in the solar plexus chakra.

How to cleanse Solar Plexus

All about your Solar Plexus: Location and guide to unblock

Pranic or chakra healing can be a powerful tool for this purpose.

The biggest challenge when cleaning the solar plexus is cleansing of the emotions and regulating them. It would need a strong sense of awareness and self-control to bring long-standing tendencies and behaviors under control. 

Pranic healing employs a two-step process, first of cleansing the chakras of all negative tendencies and negative energy. The second step is that of strengthening the chakras so that the powerful positive aspects of the chakras would get manifested. Pranic healing also teaches you how to check which chakra is blocked and needs cleaning, so you can easily identify problem areas.

Click here to know more about Pranic Healing

Pranic healing can cleanse the energies both for physical and psychological healing. To give an example of physical ailments, related to solar plexus, that Pranic Healing can help/support healing of includes - diabetes, blood pressure, ulcers, hepatitis, etc. 

If you are going through emotional problems like anger, irritation, etc., or something more severe like anxiety, Pranic healing can help you overcome it. It helps to remove the unwanted thought forms and emotions from the solar plexus chakra and helps you be more peaceful and calmer.

Click here to book a free Pranic Healing consultation

Pranic Healing also offers a powerful meditation called Meditation on Twin Hearts, which helps balance all your major chakras. Over a period of time with the practice of this meditation, you may find yourself more and more in control of your tendencies and behaviors. It may become easier to regulate them and be in charge of yourself.

Say hello to success!

Solar Plexus or Manipura chakra is the center for personal power for all people. Balancing this chakra brings harmony between one’s personal opinions and needs along with the needs of others. You could have exceptional intellectual abilities but if you cannot work with people, not much would be achieved. It is for this reason that research gives more importance to EQ than IQ, for success.

We have enumerated how to strengthen Manipura chakra and regulate unwholesome emotions and tendencies. If you are looking at leading a hugely successful yet peaceful life, the solar plexus would be the key. You can have it all – grit, determination, courage, ambition yet harmony and accord!

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